tqchem.ttconf.crest_wrapper =========================== .. py:module:: tqchem.ttconf.crest_wrapper Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: tqchem.ttconf.crest_wrapper.launch_crest tqchem.ttconf.crest_wrapper.extract_energy_from_comment tqchem.ttconf.crest_wrapper.read_crest_ensemble_xyz Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: launch_crest(input_structures: list[ase.Atoms], method: str = 'GFN2-xTB', threads: int = 4, optlevel: str = 'normal', charge: int = 0, solvent: str = None) -> tuple[list[ase.Atoms], numpy.ndarray] Runs a CREST optimization for a given ensemble of conformers. Returns the ensemble and the energies after optimization. .. py:function:: extract_energy_from_comment(comment) From the comment of the xyz file reads the conformer energy value Note: Only extracts the first float and only if it is surrounded by whitespace or nothing (see split) .. py:function:: read_crest_ensemble_xyz(file_: pathlib.Path) -> tuple[list[ase.Atoms], numpy.ndarray] Reads an xyz file with conformer structures and energies as written by CREST