tqchem.viewer ============= .. py:module:: tqchem.viewer Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: tqchem.viewer.plot_3D_molecule tqchem.viewer.display_trajectory tqchem.viewer.coordinate_screener tqchem.viewer.coordinate_screener_from_grid Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: plot_3D_molecule(molecule: pathlib.Path | str | ase.Atoms | rdkit.Chem.Mol, width: int = 300, height: int = 300) -> py3Dmol.view Plot molecule using py3Dmol .. py:function:: display_trajectory(xyzs: list[str], time: int = 30, repetitions: int = 1, width: int = 500, height: int = 500) -> py3Dmol.view Display trajectory using py3Dmol :param xyzs: list of xyz contents :type xyzs: list[str] :param time: time for the animation to complete; larger number means slower animation :type time: int :param repetitions: animation is repeated as many times; 0 indicated infinite loop :type repetitions: int :param width: width of the animation window :type width: int :param height: height of the animation window :type height: int .. py:function:: coordinate_screener(mol: tqchem.molgraph.MolecularSystem, zoomTo: bool = False, shift_by_reference: bool = True) -> None Display changes along coordinates using ipython sliders ipython widget displaying the molecule and allowing to change individual coordinates using sliders :param mol: tqchem representation of a molecule :type mol: MolecularSystem :param zoomTo: zoom to molecule after each update :type zoomTo: bool, optional, default False .. py:function:: coordinate_screener_from_grid(molecule_grid: tqchem.internal_coordinates.MolecularGrid, zoomTo: bool = False) -> None Display changes along coordinates using ipython sliders ipython widget displaying the molecule and allowing to change individual coordinates using sliders :param molecule_grid: Representation of a molecule and discretization of the flexible coordinates :type molecule_grid: MolecularSystem :param zoomTo: zoom to molecule after each update :type zoomTo: bool, optional, default False