


Class to store and process results of a conformer search


write_xyz_list(→ None)

escape_new_lines(→ str)

Escape special characters in string to make it printable as is

Module Contents

tqchem.ttconf.conformer_results.write_xyz_list(filepath: pathlib.Path | str, xyzs: list[str]) None
tqchem.ttconf.conformer_results.escape_new_lines(string: str) str

Escape special characters in string to make it printable as is

class tqchem.ttconf.conformer_results.ConformerResults(dataframe: pandas.DataFrame, molecular_grid: tqchem.internal_coordinates.MolecularGrid)

Class to store and process results of a conformer search


Dataframe containing the objective, energy, gridpoints, relaxed & aligned xyz data, and rmsd values indicating the fit of the xyz to the minimum energy xyz




MolecularGrid to evaluate the dihedral gridpoints to obtain the unrelaxed molecules sampled during the optimization procedure.



__str__: str

Return data frame string representation

minimum_energy_xyz: str, float

Return xyz string (after gradient optimization) and energy of molecule with lowest energy

minimum_objective_xyz: str, float

Return xyz string (after gradient optimization) and objective of molecule with lowest objective

minimum_energy_unrelaxed_conformer: MolecularSystem, float

Return Molecular system (before gradient optimization) with lowest energy

minimum_objective_unrelaxed_conformer: MolecularSystem, float

Return Molecular system (before gradient optimization) with lowest objective value

sampled_unrelaxed_conformers: list[MolecularSystem]

Return list of all sampled molecular systems

write_sampled_unrelaxed_conformers: None

Write all sampled conformers to one xyz file with energies in the comment

minimum_energy_ensemble: list[MolecularSystem]

Molecular systems within an energy margin around the lowest energy conformer

write_minimum_energy_ensemble: None

Write all conformers within an energy margin around the lowest energy conformer

dataframe: _typeshed.Incomplete
molgrid: _typeshed.Incomplete
minimum_energy_xyz() str

Return xyz content of gradient optimized geometry with lowest energy

minimum_objective_xyz() str

Return xyz content of gradient optimized geometry with lowest objective

minimum_energy_unrelaxed_conformer() tqchem.internal_coordinates.MolecularSystem

Return Molecular system with lowest energy before gradient optimization

minimum_objective_unrelaxed_conformer() tqchem.internal_coordinates.MolecularSystem

Return Molecular system with lowest objective before gradient optimization

sampled_unrelaxed_conformers() list[tqchem.internal_coordinates.MolecularSystem]

Return list of all sampled unrelaxed molecular systems

write_sampled_unrelaxed_conformers(filepath: pathlib.Path | str) None

Write all sampled unrelaxed conformers to one xyz file

Energy and objective (of the relaxed structures) are listed in the comment line

minimum_energy_ensemble(energy_difference: float = 0.2, rmsd_cutoff: float = 0.1) list[str]

xyz strings within an energy and rmsd margin around the lowest energy conformer

The xyz strings contain the gradient optimized structures and their energy and objective value are listed in the comment line

write_minimum_energy_ensemble(filepath: pathlib.Path | str, energy_difference: float = 0.2, rmsd_cutoff: float = 0.1) None

Write xyz within an energy and rmsd margin around the lowest energy conformer

The xyz strings contain the gradient optimized structures and their energy and objective value are listed in the comment line


Convert xyz column to raw string and write dataframe to csv

Wrapper for DataFrame.to_csv which accepts the same keyword arguments